dakar leather - Audo (5)
Chrome-tanned hide.

Dakar is a chromium and vacuum-tanned full-inherited animal leather with wax on top. This finish gives the leather a sporty and classic look with an unbelievable soft touch that adds a harmonious look to the leather.
ultra leather - Audo (5)
Sørensen Leather
Protected hide

One of the most versatile protected leathers around, Ultra is the perfect everyday type of leather. Buffed and embossed and truly nice to touch, the surface features a uniform grain pattern over the entire hide which gives it a consistent look. Ultra has some additional amazing attributes. Thanks to its extremely strong protective finish, it's very easy to maintain. Stains don’t even leave a mark once wiped away using a fresh cloth with water. What’s more, as a leather with a heavy surface protection, Ultra will take longer to show signs of aging or fading due to exposure to light.
dunes leather - Audo (6)
Sørensen Leather
Aniline-dyed hide

Dunes is an exclusive Aniline leather with a natural, rustic look and a sublime, almost velvety tactile feel. Achieved via a process of sanding and applying a special type of leather oil to the surface. At the same time, Dunes boasts a matte look that’s raw with a touch of understated elegance. Part of Dunes' extra appeal are the natural markings which bring a unique personality to each hide. Color tones will also vary from hide to hide and within each individual hide. Watch for a beautiful patina that will appear over time as a result of the leather’s usage, exposure to daylight and interior lighting. With use, the leather will become shinier and smoother over time.
nevotex sheepskin - Audo (7)
sheepskin hide
upholstery Brasilia Lounge Chair hide
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