knoll clear glass top option
.4" thick tempered glass.
knoll bronze glass top option
.4" thick tempered glass.
knoll veneer top options
constructed of veneered medium density fiberboard with a cathedral grain pattern. Ebonized walnut features black stain on walnut substrate.
knoll granite top option
Black w/reflective mica crystallines. A natural granite with a penetrating sealer to protect from aging and staining.
platner gold 36" dia. coffee table - polished finish, coated marble tops
.75" thick top w/transparent polyester coating. Marble is a natural material and varies from piece to piece. Use these images only as a guide.
platner gold 36" dia. coffee table - satin finish, coated marble tops
.75" thick top w/transparent polyester coating. Marble is a natural material and varies from piece to piece. Use these images only as a guide.
platner gold 36" dia. coffee table - natural marble top options
.75" thick top w/penetrating sealer. Marble is a natural material and varies from piece to piece. Use these images only as a guide.
top option platner gold plated coffee table 36" dia.
select top finish
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ordering samples

We are happy to provide physical samples of fabrics and finishes to assist with your selection process. There is no charge for this service.

step 1
Drag each selection from left to right and drop into the favorites panel.

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Click the "order samples" button and complete the shipping form and final selections. Samples are shipped in 2 to 5 business days.