mosiac 2 - Moooi (Knitty Lounge)
Design, Febrik for Kvadrat Textiles
46% polyester filling, 27% new wool, 12% polyester, 9% nylon, 6% elastane, 100,000 Martindale

Mosaic 2 is a knitted three-dimensional upholstery textile with a precise, graphic pattern. Designed by Febrik, it features soft-edged, tactile diamond shapes that play across its surface. Though Mosaic 2 has a calm expression when viewed from a distance, under closer inspection it reveals intriguing depth of color. Reflecting this, each colorway unites two subtly contrasting or tone-in-tone yarns. The color palette is crafted to complement Mosaic's rhythmic, structured expression. It is comprised of gentle notes and muted shades. Mosaic 2 is suitable is recommended for private spaces and low-traffic public areas. Due to its knitted construction, it delivers excellent stretchability. As it clings to curves so well, it is ideal for upholstering organic shapes, but softens right-angled objects.
upholstery Knitty Lounge Chair
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